Set Yourself Free
We lovingly hold space for your burdens, empowering you to embrace nature's profound capacity to heal.
We guide you through conscious release, somatic healing, and compassionate guidance
Every immersion and retreat is crafted to meet your needs. Choose your focus.
Release Old Burdens
Receive direct intuitive guidance from Spirit of where you are in the healing process, perspective on the wounding and how to navigate through. We provide you with a detailed soul map via the chakras. This reveals karmic perspective and naturally guides you into healing strategies.
Through somatic and energetic work we can intentionally move old energies through the body and mind. So you can begin to be clearer and get new energies flowing.
You receive a practical action plan and tools to navigate.
Navigate the Passage of Grief
This gentle focus allows you space to embrace your loss with love. We guide you to identifty the true loss in your heart, intuitvely receive guidance on how to process, accept and integrate into your life.
We provide somatic healing so the emotion can move through the grief tunnel in full agreement with what you can handle.
We find two sessions is enough then give you space to empty naturally. We support you with guided practices to ease the body and mind.

In our work together, you will receive

Intuitive Mediumship:
We provide a map of the soul revealing the hidden wounds of each chakra, so we can navigate the healthiest release of your burdens.

Somatic Healing:
We lovingly guide you back to a place of harmony to your authentic Self.

Ancient Wisdom:
Rooted in Yogic Philosophy and Universal Spiritual Principles, our guidance includes practical tools and practices for mental, physical and spiritual wellness.

Counsel & Support:
Gain karmic perspective, releasing practices, and a personalized plan for healing. A safe place to feel loved, held, and supported.
“Peace lies at the center of pain, although it hurts, you will move through pain a lot faster than if you distract yourself too much.”
– Elizabeth Kubler Ross