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The Spiral
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Inspiration Behind The Spiral

"Holiness is measured in our commitments to the journey with its spiral staircase. There are awakenings and breakthroughs along the way, followed by plateaus, in which we see ourselves as never before, with growing serenity and acceptance."

Father Thomas Keating

The spiral staircase is central to mystical teachings and the energetic pathway of life. Spiritual progress is never linear, rather it is a gradual process of unravelling. We are all guided by an unseen divine force, drawing us through both positive and challenging experiences.

Awakenings expand our sense of self, connecting us to a higher reality. We may be touched by grace through meditation, sacred moments, and living life to the fullest. Conversely, our ego attachments may be shattered through difficulty and despair, leading to profound growth.

The spiral represents an energetic force that pulls us either upward or downward as we navigate our karma and life lessons. Father Thomas Keating taught to trust the divine architect and embrace both the dark nights and the joyful moments, always seeking God in each experience. He said to follow God there.


Every moment offers a conscious choice to heal, evolve, and awaken. With this worldview, everything is sacred, and divine union is ever on our horizon, calling us home. 

Breakthroughs occur when we cross boundaries, step out of safe spaces, and challenge limited thinking. These moments of transformation invite us to embrace the cracks in our shells and move forward with courage. 

Plateaus offers clarity and the recognition that there is purpose and meaning in all things. In those moments, we pause, marvel at the journey, and prepare for the next pull of Spirit. 

Life lessons often repeat themselves, with Chakras spinning and thoughts swirling. Again and again, we encounter dramas as we work through the spiral of karmic lessons. Everything in this world carries both a positive and a negative force, each with a purpose. Imagine that individually and collectively there is a purpose behind it all. Through karmic forces, the spiral guides us towards union - both upward and downward. This movement is not about good or bad; rather, both forces are grounded in a deeper love, nudging, pulling, or even pushing us toward higher consciousness and the release of old wounds.  

The Mystery of the spiral leads us ever towards union with the divine, experienced as inner joy and bliss. Even the darkest places lead us to healing and more light in our lives.

Spiritual progress is not a ladder to climb, but a spiral to navigate. Nature moves in circle, and the spiral is our pathway. The spiral staircase is a conscious force that emerges within and around our personal experiences, drawing us toward healing, awakening, and ultimately reunion with Source through Self-realization. This energetic and karmic phenomena is driven by the soul, which seeks to release suffering and return to its divine state of bliss. 


The soul's dharma is to shed its attachment to the ego and reunite with the everlasting bliss of Spirit. 

Our calling is to support each person as the spiral reveals itself, guiding them through the wisdom of conscious choice on their journey home.  â€‹â€‹



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