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Steven Ross M.Div

Intuitive Medium, well-being facilitator and spiritual director. An ordained interspiritual minister, meditation teacher and yogi. 

Steven has been on the path for over twenty years and supported the spiritual lives of thousands of seekers. 

His passion is to act as a catalyst for awakening souls so they can fulfill potential and uplift humankind.

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Steven Ross


My Intuitive Mediumship
  • Over the years I have given intuitive readings to thousands of people from all over the country and beyond. My mediumship serves to provide each person a map to soul fulfillment, life potential, healing and spiritual awakening. My guides act as a catalyst so each person gets in alignment with their truth so they can navigate their karmic potential.
  • In each reading I can perceive the astral body and chakras which reveal me a map of what the soul wants from each life. Through affirmative statements the intuitions bring us into alignment similar to a GPS location. Once each person expresses their destination the route appears. 
  • Each person's potential appears as connected to personal evolution, collective healing and divinity expressing on Earth.
  • The spirit guides are always loving, direct and witty. â€‹â€‹
My Credentials
  • Ordained Interspiritual Minister - Interspirituality arises from the visionary Brother Wayne Teasdale who recognized that mysticism is at root of all world religions.  The mystical experience provides a intersection of an inner experience expressed in the language of religion. The ultimate Reality unifies us at this level. Each of us can be rooted in our own tradition yet teach and connect through the inner experience. Teasdale predicted the religion of third millennium would be a universal spirituality expressed in many ways.
  • Masters in Interfaith Divinity - Graduate from All Paths Divinity School and mentored by Rev. Andre van Zijl. Beyond a study of world religions, we explored saints and mystics, spiritual leadership, awakening experiences, rites of passage, sacred ritual, transitions, eco-spirituality and community building. Additional research projects on empathy in the workplace, divine masculine and evolution of consciousness.
  • Yoga Studio Director - In 2009 we opened Eastside Yoga in Austin, Texas. For almost ten years I taught thousands of yoga classes, held space in sacred ceremony and co-trained about 150 yoga teachers. We created a vibrant community and place of healing for many. Our yoga studio became a church of sorts in the neighborhood.
  • Certified in Vinyasa Krama Yoga - Studied under Srivatsa Ramaswami who was a long time student of Shri T Krishnmacharya, the father of modern yoga. Ramaswami instructed a traditional form of vinyasa utilizing slow movement synchrized with yogic breathing. Unlike anything in modern yoga class, this method has preserved hundreds of variations and techniques mostly lost in today's studios.  Additionally he taught Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and advanced pranayama.
  • Certified Ananda Meditation Teacher - Trained in the classical meditation technique of 20th century guru Paramhansa Yogananda. Trainer of dozens of meditation teachers and facilitators.
  • Spiritual Healer - Mentored by Francis the Healer in energy work and spiritual healing. 
  • Personal Path - Steven is a lay-disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda and follows his path taught by Swami Kriyananda of Ananda church of Self-realization, which initiated him into kriya yoga. 
Spiritual Method


My teachings are grounded in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as a spiritual roadmap of Self-realization. They provide a universal template benefitting seekers of any path. They provide the structure needed to create an authentic pathway for spiritual living. Best of all you don't to believe anything. These teachings are premised on personal experience and dedicated practice. Raja yoga (the path of enlightenment) can be tested and observed as a spiritual science. â€‹


This philosophy combined with the practical teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda provide a complete toolkit for life. The teachings are universal and accessible to anyone.  Your path to Self-realiation is yours to walk. Yogananda voluminous writings and practices support any seeker. 


My mission is to share my guru's teachings universally where apply in anyone's life. For those who want to follow Yogananda's path as a devotee I refer them to The mission from the Himalayan Yogis was to demonstrate a unity within religions. I approach everyone with reverence for their beliefs, tradition and outlook. 

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