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Become a Supporting Member

Help us build community:
Your monthly donation allows us to sustain the online community and make it free for everyone.

How It Works: 
Suggested monthly donation between $10 and $50. Setup an auto draft and cancel at any time.

Join the Members Circle: 

Space dedicated to supporters of Wisdom Pathways and the sharing of spiritual teachings.

Make a donation

Your donation allows us to offer our teachings to everyone freely. Your monthly gift builds community and supports our work. 


One time








Thank you for supporting us and helping to make these teachings accessible to those who may not be able to afford them.

Jenny and Steven

Start A Spiritual Circle

We envision a supported network across the world where each group brings light through their circle. 

Every Circle Needs:

  • A Champion - Someone inspired who can motivate a small group of like minded people.

  • An Agreement -We ask to align with our community ideals of spirituality and respect for one another.

  • Access - Each circle receives private space on our network with its own social feed. 

  • Support - Join any community event with your circle, utilize our community toolkit or invite us to hold space for your circle.


It's FREE - We offer this with no strings or fees. Circles may become a supporting member or make a gift payment offering they attend.

"Where two or more are gathered, there spirit flows"

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